I want to be like Schwarzenegger
Schwarzenegger is recognized as one of the world's top bodybuilders. He
is "Mr. Olympia", "Mr. Universe", a successful actor and
political figure. However, he is most interesting as a man who made his own
However, as Arnold Schwarzenegger himself has repeatedly admitted, it is
simply impossible to achieve such a result by sports exercises alone. And he
repeatedly admitted that he used various drugs to quickly burn weight, gain
weight and "dry the body". For example, I used Primobolan, which you
can read about in detail here https://jbhnews.com/primobolan-for-fat-loss/29228/ . In his book, he talks about it quite
plausibly. In those years, steroids were not banned. It was enough to go to the
doctor and say about your desire to gain muscle mass. He wrote out a
prescription for special pills that were sold openly in the pharmacy.
Another of these drugs was Clenbuterol, which can be read in detail in
the article on the JBHNews website. The properties of Clenbuterol
are known to all bodybuilders, athletes and athletes. They consist in the
ability to burn fat, so it is often used by athletes for weight loss and
Also, clenbuterol has properties such as:
Increase strength and stamina.
Loss of appetite
Psychic activation
Anti-catabolic effect
Anabolic effect
If you want to learn more about steroid
supplements that can help you lose weight quickly or gain muscle mass, go to the
site jbhnews.com.
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